Thursday, 19 July 2012

Breaking Down Bergman // Introduction

It's rare that I'll post something non-music related on here, but today I'm going to make an exception.

Last November I launched a YouTube series with my friend Sonia Strimban where we pledged to watch all of Swedish director Ingmar Bergman's films from first to last, and analyze each. We've been doing that ever since, quite consistently, for our series called Breaking Down Bergman.

This week our first video crossed the 1,000-view mark, which for most things might not be so impressive, but for a director who has gone relatively unknown by the masses, it's not a bad feat. I'm pretty proud of it, and despite all of the difficulties I'm proud with what we've come out with so far.

If you want to join us in our journey of watching all of Bergman's films -- including the most famous, the Seventh Seal, Wild Strawberries and Persona -- here's the first video. We'd love to have you along for the ride...

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